Clipper Kit Carson poses in October
1946 with two of the Johnstons' Airways Transport fleet at Whenupai,
bus drivers beside their vehicles and the US flight crew beside the
port outer on the DC-4.
began life as a C-54E with the USAF in April 1945, was converted to
civil airliner status by Douglas in late November and sold to PAWA
the following month.
The DC-4
was sold to Japan Airlines Ltd as JA6015 Amagi In February 1958 and
subsequently to Ansett-ANA as VHINM in March 1965 for
conversion to an ATL-98 Carvair iin the UK.
Leased to
Seulawah Air Services by Australian Aircraft Sales from January 1975
to August 1976, the big freighter was stored at Singapore until sold
to Nationwide Air by James Cunningham as
Flown to
NZ in November 1978, it saw little use within NZ; instead spending
most of its time in storage at Nelson and Hamilton before being sold
and delivered to Hawaii in May 1990 for Hawaiian Pacific Air. WINGS
Above article from Brendan Odell